Thinking and thinking here I GO!!! ------
Shit nothing is out. haha sounds wrong but that is how I feel nothing..
Want to do things but there is nothing.
I want to talk about a lot of stuff in this post. HMMmm
Thinking back haha I really do miss a lot of things in my whole secondary life.
Success, failure, trouble, more trouble, even more trouble till teachers look at you like this>>
and they will start saying you know Matthew you should do better, study harder and stop playing so much. I expect better from you, then they will give that face again! haha..but well sometimes what teachers say are true, so i guess I have to thank them for it. Just wanted to make my post abit funny looking :p
Dont wanna say so much bout me le lah..haha
NAPFA!!! well it was fun! haha challenging and i manged to beat my own records. so happy
Funny Pictures & MySpace 2.0 Layouts
Wanted to be out at night but end up plans changed, so never mind lah..
SO good nite peeps..